Dynamics CRM Status and statecodes - post thumbnail

Dynamics State and Status codes

I use this table so often, that it’s only right if I make a post out of it as well.

Here it is – most of the built-in entities with their state and status codes. Read my remarks at the bottom of the page.

EntityStatus (statecode)Status Reason (statuscode)
Account0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Activity (activitypointer)0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Completed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
3 Scheduled4 Scheduled
Appointment0 Open1 Free
2 Tentative
1 Completed3 Completed
2 Canceled4 Canceled
3 Scheduled5 Busy
6 Out of Office
Article (kbarticle)1 Draft1 Draft
2 Unapproved2 Unapproved
3 Published3 Published
Campaign0 Active0 Proposed
1 Ready To Launch
2 Launched
3 Completed
4 Canceled
5 Suspended
Campaign Activity0 Open0 In Progress
1 Proposed
4 Pending
5 System Aborted
6 Completed
1 Closed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Campaign Response0 Open1 Open
1 Closed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Case (incident)0 Active1 In Progress
2 On Hold
3 Waiting for Details
4 Researching
1 Resolved5 Problem Solved
2 Canceled6 Canceled
Case Resolution (incidentresolution, notcustomizable)0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Contact0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Contract0 Draft1 Draft
1 Invoiced2 Invoiced
2 Active3 Active
3 On Hold4 On Hold
4 Canceled5 Canceled
5 Expired6 Expired
Contract Line (contractdetail)0 Existing1 New
1 Renewed2 Renewed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
3 Expired4 Expired
Currency (transactioncurrency)0 Active0 Active
1 Inactive1 Inactive
Discount (discounttype)0 Active100001 Active
1 Inactive100002 Inactive
E-mail0 Open1 Draft
8 Failed
1 Completed2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
6 Pending Send
7 Sending
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Fax0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Invoice0 Active1 New
2 Partially Shipped
4 Billed
5 Booked (applies to services)
6 Installed (applies to services)
1 Closed (deprecated)3 Canceled (deprecated)
7 Paid in Full (deprecated
2 Paid100001 Complete
100002 Parial
3 Canceled100003 Canceled
Lead0 Open1 New
2 Contacted
1 Qualified3 Qualified
2 Disqualified4 Lost
5 Cannot Contact
6 No Longer Interested
7 Canceled
Letter0 Open1 Open
2 Draft
1 Completed3 Received
4 Sent
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Marketing List (list)0 Active0 Active
1 Inactive1 Inactive
Opportunity0 Open1 In Progress
2 On Hold
1 Won3 Won
2 Lost4 Canceled
5 Out-Sold
Order (salesorder)0 Active1 New
2 Pending
1 Submitted3 In Progress
2 Canceled4 No Money
3 Fulfilled100001 Complete
100002 Partial
4 Invoiced100003 Invoiced
Phone Call0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Made
4 Received
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Price List (pricelevel)0 Active100001 Active
1 Inactive10002 Inactive
Product0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Quote0 Draft1 In Progress
1 Active2 In Progress
3 Open
2 Won4 Won
5 Out-Sold
3 Closed5 Lost
6 Canceled
7 Revised
Service Activity (serviceappointment)0 Open1 Requested
2 Tentative
1 Closed8 Completed
2 Canceled9 Canceled
10 No Show
3 Scheduled3 Pending
4 Reserved
6 In Progress
7 Arrived
Task0 Open2 Not Started
3 In Progress
4 Waiting on someone else
7 Deferred
1 Completed5 Completed
2 Canceled6 Canceled

What is this?

Every Dataverse table (entity) has a common set of built-in fields. Here are some examples: createdon, createdby, modifiedon, modifiedby, statecode, statuscode, … As you can see, the statecode and the statuscode fields together define a hierarchy of entity states. Statecode is the “primary” state, while statuscode is a a “substate”.

Statecode and statuscode are two optionset fields – their values are represented by numbers in the database (enums). When preparing customisations (plugins, webresources, azure functions, flows, …) you often need to

Can I add more states?

You can add more options to most of the statuscode fields, but not to the statecode field. You can do this through make.powerapps.com.

  1. Go to make.powerapps.com
  2. Open Tables
  3. Find your table
  4. Open Columns
  5. Search for statecode and click on it
  6. Add more options

You can select which statecode you want to add the new statuscodes to.

Custom entities

As you can see, there are no custom entities on this list. Custom entities have two states (statecode) – 0 Active and 1 Inactive. You cannot add more statecodes, but you can add more statuscodes.

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